I'm an aspiring game developer who graduated from NUS (National University of Singapore) SoC (School of Computing) with specialization in Computer Graphics and Games.
While studying in SoC for the first 2 years and still not knowing what I'm going to do, I eventually found enjoyment in developing applications and games. Here are some game projects I was involved in:
Living Space: https://sanoke.itch.io/living-space
This game was made by a group of 3 programmers (including me) for a libGDX Game Jam. My role in this project was the asset designer, but I helped to program 2 of the game levels. This was my very first participation in a game jam, hopefully you all will enjoy it~
Gold Diggers: The Game: https://taygq.itch.io/gold-diggers-the-game
This game was made by a group of 4 over a course of 13 weeks for a game design module taken during August ~ November 2016. My role in this project was the producer, and many thanks to my group for making this game as awesome as it is! :D
The Chosen Ones: https://taygq.itch.io/the-chosen-ones
This game was made by a group of 8 over a course of 13 weeks for a game development module taken during August ~ November 2017. My role in this project was producer/QA, and this is a game where I truly poured all my heart in and felt the most joy in making (partly because I had the liberty to come up with wacky stuffs in the game :D).